Are You A Plotter or Pantser?

Hello again,

Today, I’m starting to plot a new manuscript that’s completely separate from my first one. The working title of that draft is “From the Womb of the Earth.” That novel will someday come to fruition, but as I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, it’s time to let that story sit—not just for a little while, but to truly let it rest.

In the meantime, I’ll be working on a paranormal romance called “Motofad” (at least, that’s the title for now). I’m still in the plotting stage, and I’ve realized something: I’m not very good at plotting. So, I’m reaching out to all of you. What’s your best plotting advice?

I have a very general outline, but to be honest, I’m feeling a bit lost. I didn’t particularly like the way I plotted “From the Womb of the Earth,” which is why I’m hoping to try a new method this time around.

Please share your tips and tricks in the comments below. How do you plot a novel? What platforms work best for you? I was a pantser for my first literary baby, but that didn’t pay off the way I hoped. I ended up stuck in the middle for quite a while because I only plotted the beginning and thought, “I’ll figure it out when I get there” for the end.

I’m interested in both digital and non-digital plotting methods. I’ve seen people use sticky notes for their plot ideas, which look very aesthetic, but it’s not particularly effective for me. I often find inspiration when I’m not somewhere I can easily pull out a pen and sticky note.

Plus, here’s a sneak peek at my protagonist!

character plotting